Wednesday, November 5, 2008

computer free timeeeee

tuh kan kan gue males isi blog nih haha lagi males maksutnya. hm.................. sekarang lagi free time nih nggak ada yang asik cuma buka blog sama fs aja. bzzt

Thursday, October 23, 2008

todaaaaaaaaaaaaay todie

aaaaargh kan nih gue lagi uts komputeeeeer. susah gelaaa deh ya membetekan. gue udah keburu bosen disiniiiiii pengen pulaaaaaang nih gueee. ck capek deccc -_- dziong apa sih gue kayak serasa kerja aja sih, tp emang loh gue kerja keras banget buat kayak gini, pengen jadi orang sukses cita cita gue makannya haris susah2 dulu sekarang............... yayaya bodo deh ya ampe seterrrres deh gue bos. nyeh gue beluuuum pulang juga nih masih jam segini. terus tadi gue di sms harus dateng jam 4 ke blablabla untuk apa tuhhhh unntuk terusik berisik aaaadoh mana gue bisaaaa ini aja gue masih di sekolaaaah pak! WELL YANG MENEGANGKAN BESOK ULANGAN MATEMATIKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pelajaran Pak Heri yang aje gile susahnyaaaa, harus di uji untuk di ambil nilai nya bayangin deh harus belajar kayak apa malem ini, oke mungkin gue bakal pake jurus Ngaco Answering gue nih pas ulangan, eh enggak enggak gimana gue bisa ngebanggain orang tua cobaaaaaa! HAHAHAHAH APASIHHHHH NET. GRRRRR gue duduk samping Tia dan belakang gue si Vera ya deh itu cuma info ajaaaa kok wkwkwk.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

my first post

okay hello felas i'm janet.This is my first post by the way. i made this blog..... um... for about a half hour ago. now, i sit in front of the computer with Tia. we have to finish a group assignment from Mr. K! grrrr oumen, to be honest i'm very berry strawberry tired for today. uououo okay okay but i'm soo happy at least. something good and exciting happened, either this was just a hyperbol one or not, I AM HAPPY! well, i hope it's for a long time so i'll be glad not for a while. I don't really understand about life, but.... it's just the story right? so? enjoy my postttt (s). this day i have faced midtests, oukay then, i was confused about the questions huahhh.Oh my God please help me to face the next days and after that.......... enough for the first, wait for anotheeer
